
Services offered

Individual counseling

Individual counseling for private people, entrepreneurs, CEOs, people in leading positions. Personal topics as well as questions relating to your employees.


Expertise relating to a new employee to be chosen for a specific position in your company or choosing one of your employees as suitable for that position.

After the first step of preselecting according to criteria as educational background, explicit working experiences, etc. you are left with a number of potentially suitable applicants. This is the point in time where an astrological expertise may support you to find out the candidate who most likely will also bring in the personality you hope for. Who of the applicants will be the most reliable, creative, aktive, etc. Who will blend in with the team well or who may cause unrest. Or is one of your present employees a promising candidate for a promotion to a leading position.

Lucky dates

Election of advantageous dates for the opening of a new business or for the signing of a contract, for cooperations, imporant investments, expansion of a business, product launches, etc. as well as important meetings.


Expansion to abroad: It is a costly matter, to send an employee and his/her family abroad. A case of failure causes yet more expenses and maybe even further conflicts. The use of astrogeological analysis will show chances and risks of the specific goal area.

Open counseling

Open Counseling as a service for your employees. People who are confronted with problems in their lives – no matter private or at work – have a significantly lower working efficiency. That’s why it will always pay-off to establish a drop-in center for counselling. The concept may include a specific consultation-hour in an office at your company or the option of  telephone counselling according to requirements.


Coaching for individuals. In order to optimize the use of individual abilities, to improve the ability to communicate, better assertiveness or leadership skills, In order to clarify obstacles as e.g. recurring conflicts with collegues or superiors – just to name a few areas in which coaching is being used.

Team development

Find further information on the topic of team development unter Kontakt.

Conflict management

Find further information on the topic of conflict management unter Kontakt.


Seminars/Trainings: Astrology for personnel in human ressources departements, courses in astrology for beginners as well for advanced lerners, modern horary astrology,


Texts for your companies’ publication for your employees, weekly and monthly horoscopes relating to your field of business, etc.


Events: speeches and short consultations at your companies’ events.

Carreer counseling

Carreer counseling: You are not sure yet, in which area your carreer has the most promising perspectives? Where the best income options for you personally lie?